This question has been edited based on necessary clarification as received thru below comments.
I have a simple bat file taken from It tests if the bat script was invoked as a User by simply double-clicking on it or it was run as ‘Run as Administrator’. I have tested it and it works just fine on my Windows 8.1 Home 64-bit laptop under an administrator level user. When I double-click, it indicates that it’s not been run from an Elevated command prompt and says otherwise when ‘Run as Administrator’.
From the below comments it’s understood that the lowest privilege level for Administrator is a User and selecting ‘Run as Administrator’ elevate it to Administrator.
However on my Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit it’s not behaving the same way! When I just double click on it, it’s still running as Administrator. Is this a security issue and is there any way to set it to default User level?
In my Control Panel UAC is turned off. Also note that I am not creating/running any shortcut set it to always 'Run as Administrator'
On my Windows 7, I would like it to Run as User when I double-click and only as Admin when ‘Run as Administrator’ is invoked.
Note that the script is out of scope for discussion, however just pasting it below for reference.
@echo off
openfiles > NUL 2>&1
if NOT %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto NotAdmin
echo Hello from elevated command prompt
goto End
echo This command prompt is NOT ELEVATED