I have a sheet where in alternating columns I list Supplier pack size and price per unit. I want to highlight the cell(s) in this range with the lowest price per unit, ignoring zeros. How can I do this?

Currently, I have 3 formatting rules:

=MOD(COLUMN(A2), 2) = 1 (No format, stop when true)
=A2 = 0 (No format, stop when true)
=A2=SMALL(A2:F2,COUNTIF(A2:F2,0)+1) (Green background)

Unfortunately this doesn't work if the smallest value above zero happens to be eliminated by the first rule.

How can I modify the formula so that it effectively ignores the values in the Pack Size columns? Alternatively, is there another way of doing this?

This is what I currently have:

What I have

After applying the conditional formatting this is what it should look like:

Lowest PPU highlighted

1 Answer 1


First calculate the smallest price without 0 like the following in I1 for example

and press Ctrl + Shift + Enter at the same time
It is an array formula
After having the smallest price select the Data where you want to apply conditional formatting and choose the rule :
Choose the format you want (you can just write =A2=$I$1 to A2 in conditional formatting rule and choose the format, later use Format Painter to copy the conditional formatting to other prices)

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