I need to make a solution which will work as a network switch with two ports: one port located in one country and second port is in another country.

              +------------ Virtual switch ----------------+
+---------+   |   +-------+    +----------+    +-------+   |   +--------+
|Client A |<--+-->| BOX 1 |<-->|VPN server|<-->| BOX 2 |<--+-->|Client B|
+---------+   |   +-------+    +----------+    +-------+   |   +--------+

Client A and Client B shoud feel it like usual layer 2 switch. VPN connection between two boxes is OpenVPN. So I need to forward Ethernet frames somehow over the VPN tunnel between two boxes. Box 1 and 2 running Debian jessie. I hope not to write my own software for it :) Can anyone suggest possible solutions?

P.S. It is needed to connect two pieces of hardware which is designed to work only in LAN.

UPD: I've installed 4 VMs to simulate such setup (vpnserver was omitted):
- All machines are debian boxes
- Box 1 and Box 2 have GRE tap tunnel between them (Ethernet over IP)
- On Client A local interface bridged with gretap interface: bridge has address
- On Client B local interface bridged with gretap interface: bridge has address
- Client A has static IP
- Client B has static IP

From Client A I'm sending ICMP Echo request to and I can see ARP request "Who has tell" on bridge on Box 1, on bridge on Box 2 and on Client B. But ARP response is visible only on Client B. So ARP response not going back to Box2 somehow. And all networking between and works well. So, I suppose that problem caused by bridging.

UPD2: Now I removed GRE tap tunneling and established regular network between Box 1 and Box 2. When I created bridges, ping started working. What could cause problem when doing GRE tunnel?

Solution: I finally configured everything in VMs with GRE-TAP. I've used GRE-TAP tunnel over regular network between Box 1 And Box 2. And then I bridged tunneling interface with local interfacec on each Box. Below is my steps:

Box 1

ip link add tunnel0 type gretap remote local
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth2  # eth2 - is a local interface on Box 1
brctl addif br0 tunnel
ip addr add dev tunnel0
ip link set br0 up
ip link set tunnel0 up

Box 2

ip link add tunnel0 type gretap remote local
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 eth2  # eth2 - is a local interface on Box 2
brctl addif br0 tunnel
ip addr add dev tunnel0
ip link set br0 up
ip link set tunnel0 up

Thanks to all!

  • This would be quite trivial if you could have both clients link directly to the OpenVPN server. Can you do that? Also: is the OpenVPN routed or bridged? Do you control the OpenVPN server? Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 8:28
  • Yes. I have control over Boxes and OpenVPN server, however I can't configure Clients, that's why I can't connect them to VPN net. Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 9:02
  • Openvpn routed or bridged? Do you use a tun or a tap interface? Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 9:03
  • I use vtund to make virtual Ethernet circuits
    – Majenko
    Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 9:30
  • I'm using tun interface for OpenVPN, because it was installed initially not for this particular purpose. So I can't easily change OpenVPN to use tap interface. Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 20:27

2 Answers 2


I haven't tried this myself, but I know you can use gretap to tunnel layer 2 (ethernet) over layer 3 (ip). According e.g. to this blogentry, you set up one gretap interface at each end and bridge it with your ethernet interface. If I understand everything correctly, in the example should be the address of the VPN endpoint on Box 1, and the address of the VPN endpoint on Box 2. is the local LAN address for Box 1, and the LAN address for Box 2.

Box 1:

ip link add gretap0 type gretap local remote
ip link set dev gretap0 up
ip link set dev eth0 up
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 gretap0
brctl addif br0 eth0
ip addr add dev br0
ip link set br0 up

Box 2:

ip link add gretap0 type gretap local remote
ip link set dev gretap0 up
ip link set dev eth0 up
brctl addbr br0
brctl addif br0 gretap0
brctl addif br0 eth0
ip addr add dev br0
ip link set br0 up

You may need to tweak MTU settings. I can't test this setup, so you may also need to tweak other things.

Edit: Here is an article that explains the MTU issues, apparently it's a bit involved. It may be easier in your case if you can control the VPN MTU settings.

  • I'd like to avoid having Ip address on Box at local side. Can I do so with gretap? Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 7:54
  • Just don't assign an IP address to the bridge if you don't need/want it.
    – dirkt
    Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 8:12
  • I've simulated suggested setup in VMs and there is a problem with packet flow. I've added explanations to question. Commented Mar 4, 2017 at 20:45
  • BTW, using a tap interface for OpenVPN as mentioned in the other answer would be a better solution, if circumstances allow, as it avoids one extra layer of encapsulation.
    – dirkt
    Commented Mar 5, 2017 at 6:45
  • I totally agree with you. Using tap will cause lower overhead it such case. Commented Mar 6, 2017 at 16:19

This is not very difficult, because all you are asking for is that all L2 traffic be able to pass from one network to another, which is a standard feature of a bridged OpenVPN connection. This means that:

  1. either you configure the OpenVPN server (and the two clients) to setup a bridged OpenVPN connection (and remember to allow connections from client to another client via the client-to-client instruction in the server configuration file), ...

  2. or you do away with the middleman, and directly connect Box1 and Box2, as discussed for instance here or here.

In either case, you need to work on the DHCP and routing in both LANs, because both of them must belong to the same broadcast domain. For instance, we may decide that the subnet we use is, with the DHCP server on LAN1 dishing out addresses in the range, and the DHCP server on LAN2 dishing out addresses in the range

Then you need to adjust routes. Suppose Box1 is a pc in LAN1 with address, and Box2 is a pc in LAN2 with IP address Then on the gateway of LAN1 you need to add the route:

ip route add via 

while on the gateway of LAN2 you need to add:

ip route add via

This generates some amount of intra-site L2 traffic, which you may find annoying. I have a three-site configuration like this, and I have no problem with the amount of traffic, and 100Mb/s connections, but YMMV. If you want to limit the amount of L2 traffic crossing the OpenVPN, you may use ebtables on Box1 and Box2.

That's the only way I know to realize what you asked for.

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