- Add your own CapsLock indicator. Install AutoHotkey, it's a general keyboard automation program, could be greatly useful for automatically expanding short forms of words, adding keyboard shortcuts to programs, etc.
Then edit the config and add something like :
SoundBeep, 440,500
SoundBeep, 440,500
SoundBeep, 440,500
SoundBeep, 349,350
SoundBeep, 523,150
SoundBeep, 440,500
SoundBeep, 349,350
SoundBeep, 523,150
SoundBeep, 440,1000
SoundBeep, 659,500
SoundBeep, 659,500
SoundBeep, 659,500
SoundBeep, 698,350
SoundBeep, 523,150
SoundBeep, 415,500
SoundBeep, 349,350
SoundBeep, 523,150
SoundBeep, 440,1000
Send {CapsLock}
Now every time they press capslock, they get a rousing StarWars Imperial March audio to let them know.
Should that ever get tiresome, you could replace it with any helpful thing the people wanted - launch a program, run a script, play a sound file, blink the screen, shake a window around, change a colour somewhere, anything from the AutoHotkey command list or any program or script it can launch or any Win32api function it can call.
Almost every day I hear about someone who was touch-typing only to discover they had bumped the caps lock key and then had to go back and retype what they had just finished.
Seriously though, this is a sign of miserably, depressingly weak tools or lack of IT training / exploration. Any text editor worth its salt can swap the case of selected text.
The worst it should be is a copy/paste to a good editor and back again, not a retyping. (And that copy-paste, change-case, copy-paste could be automated with AutoHotkey).