I am using Windows Subsystem for Linux. When I login to my home server using SSH, I first get the following error
setsockopt IPV6_TCLASS 16: Operation not permitted:
and then everything works as expected:
Welcome to Ubuntu 16.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux 4.4.0-77-generic x86_64)
From what I can gather, setsockopt is a... thing (it's not a runnable command) used to change socket options, but I have no idea by who or why.
I am mostly interested in what this error is and why it pops up and, since everything still works, less interested in how to fix it (unless it's a big bad scary thing), though that would be nice to know too.
FWIW this is a freshly installed server and I am using keys for SSH. WSL Ubuntu version: 16.04.2 LTS. Windows version: 1703, build number: 15063.296.