Something broke my mirror RAID(1). I ended up with two disks in windows that was not synced.

How do a create a new mirror raid from an HDD with data on it. I dont want a blank new mirror raid. I want one disk to mirror to the other drive. Intel® RST in windows you have the option to chose the drive you want to keep data from when create an raid. The problem is that Intel® RST windows just crash when i try to do that. Intel® RST in "bios-mode" there i can only create raid(1) that will erase the data on both disks. I dont want that i want one disk to be mirrored to the other.

Any ide on how mirror the disks in Intel® RST?

  • Consider clearing one of the drives then rebuilding the array by seeding it with the drive with data on it. May 12, 2017 at 0:07
  • What do you mean by seeding? One of the drive will be clean off course. Thats the one i want to mirror data too.
    – Ehel
    May 12, 2017 at 1:19


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