Debian places Munin plugins in /usr/share/munin/plugins/ by default, and links the active ones from /etc/munin/plugins/.

Now I have a custom plugin and I'm not sure where to place it. I'm afraid that during a software upgrade, apt might automatically delete files in /etc/munin/plugins/ and assume they can be recreated, as by default these are all just links. I'm also afraid that my plugin could be automatically deleted during and upgrade if I place it in /usr/share/munin/plugins/, as apt may assume that all files contained there are extracted from the Munin packages, and hence can be deleted and replaced by the updated package.

Best practices?

1 Answer 1


As you know, files installed by package manager will be installed at /usr, /bin, etc. If you are installing something manually then you should place it under: /usr/local.

So in your case instead of using /usr/share you should use /usr/local/share to place your files, this path will be untouched by Debian package manager.

You can find more information using: man hier and by searching for /usr/local.

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