I should be able hit enter and everyfile I have selected should open in its associated application. This is not happening. If they are all the same filetype, for instance OpenOffice writer then it works. If they are different filetypes then it does not work. If any one is a pdf file then the system thinks I want to print them. I also tried right clicking. Indeed Open is an option but only if I select one file or multiple files of the same type. If they are not of the same type then "open" is not there and the only option is to 7zip or scan with Microsoft security essentials and the other regular options on a right click.
In XP I think I used to be able to just open them all. In the shell replacement XYplorer I can do this. In the file search utility called Everything (from voidtools) I can do this. So what is the trick in Windows 7 and why do I even need a trick.