I'm trying to clean up a log file for better readability - there's a load of un-necessary stuff there to my needs - i basically have to replace sshd[xxxx] where xxxx is an arbitrary number with, well, either a space or nothing. While i can replace a known string, i have no idea how to do a sed wildcard in this case- So- how do i do that?

2 Answers 2


its not clear whether you want the replace the "sshd" as well, so i assumed you it is.

   sed 's/sshd\[[0-9]*\]//g' file


   sed 's/sshd\[[0-9]*\]/sshd[]/g' file
  • the first one was what i was looking for, thanks :)
    – Journeyman Geek
    Mar 19, 2010 at 6:37

You are looking to replace all numbers after sshd inside [] with nothing. To select numbers you can use a range [0-9]\+, where [0-9] matches any digit and \+ means one or more of that before.

So for your case the regexp to replace numbers with zeros would be

sed -r s/\[[0-9]\+\]/\[\]/

where the -r enables extended regexp's like the one above. The \[ and \] are just to escape the [ and ] so they don't get interpreted by sed.

For regexp operators like \+ have a look at this section in the gawk manual, for character list like [0-9] see this section -- most of what you see there applies to sed as well.

  • shouldn't it be sed -r s/\[[0-9]\+\]/\[\]/, in order to keep the [] without the number?
    – Snark
    Mar 19, 2010 at 6:26
  • @snark you're right Mar 19, 2010 at 6:56
  • 1
    You can omit the -r if you quote the command. If you do both (use -r and quote the command), you can omit the escaping of the +. sed 's/\[[0-9]\+\]/\[\]/' or sed -r 's/\[[0-9]+\]/\[\]/' Often, when there are grouping parentheses, using -r with quoting can save several characters and improve readability since the parentheses don't need to be escaped. Mar 19, 2010 at 9:08
  • @Dennis interesting Mar 19, 2010 at 12:37

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