I want to change the community name snmp for zebra printer via zpl commands
the community name snmp is public
in default, i tried with ^NN command
, but nothing change, this is an example :
I wrote this command in file test.zpl, and I send it to the printer via FTP
Any idea ??!
Use this command to set the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) parameters.
Format: ^NNa,b,c,d,e,f
Parameters Details
a = system name Same as printer name.
b = system contact Any contact information as desired (such as a name or phrase)
c = system location The printer’s model information.
d = get community name, Default: public
e = set community name Values: Up to 19 alphanumeric characters, Default: public
f = trap community name Values: Up to 20 alphanumeric characters, Default: public