I'm trying to make a command to do a perl substitution on a batch of php files in a directory. The string I want to replace has single quotes in it, and I can't get it to properly escape the in shell.
I tried echoing the string with unescaped quotes, to see what perl would be getting:
echo 's/require_once\('include\.constants\.php'\);/require_once\('include\.constants\.php'\);require_once\("\./functions/include\.session\.inc\.php"\);/g'
and it doesn't have the single-quotes in the result:
However, when I try to escape the single quotes:
echo 's/require_once\(\'include\.constants\.php\'\);/require_once\(\'include\.constants\.php\'\);require_once\("\./functions/include\.session\.inc\.php"\);/g'
I get the prompt to complete the command:
What I want it to parse to is this:
What am I doing wrong?