Right now, vimperator remaps both Ctrl+C (from 'copy' to 'cancel') and
Ctrl+V (from 'paste' to 'pass-through'). On Linux, the preferred
method of copy/paste is with the middle mouse button, so this is not a
problem. On Windows, this is a user-interface disaster and it badly
needs to be fixed.
There are three places you might copy from: text from a Web page, text
from a form field, and text from an external application. There are
two places you might copy to: into a form field, and into an external
application. The address and command bars work like form fields.
Copying from...
A web page: 'Y' works, '^C' doesn't
Form field: 'Y' doesn't work, '^C' does
Extern application: 'Y' doesn't work, '^C' does
Copying to...
Form field: '^V' doesn't work, '^V,^V' does
External application: '^V' works, '^V,^V' pastes twice
Or, seen another way
Copy Paste
Page Y N/A
Form ^C ^V,^V
App ^C ^V
Ordinary users won't memorize that table. They'll never figure it out,
because it's not documented explicitly, and they wouldn't read it even
if it was. Instead, they'll use the right-click menu, the only thing
that works everywhere. In fact, a few weeks after I started using
Vimperator, I caught myself doing just that, in a completely unrelated
application, something I had never done before.
We need to restore ^C and ^V to their original, rightful functions as
copy and paste, which means displacing the ^C=cancel and
^V=pass-through hotkeys. In fact, both of these hotkeys are unique to
vimperator and do not appear in vim. ^V means 'block visual' in vim,
which doesn't apply in vimperator, so pass-through can be easily
assigned to some other key. I suggest backslash in command mode and
ctrl+backslash in both command and insert modes. That leaves ^C. I
think that should be moved to ^S. This has two good mnemonics: it's
'stop', and it's also the Unix hotkey for XOFF, which is useless but
semantically similar. ^S is currently "save page as" in vimperator,
which is rarely used and can still be accessed with :save or :saveas.
Undo is also broken; it was ^Z, but ^Z is not pass-through mode and
there's no way to undo edits in a form field without using the mouse.
I see no reason not to move that to another hotkey, especially since
^Z in vim means suspend, which is completely unrelated, and
unexpectedly finding yourself in pass-through mode is extremely
disorienting. I can't think of a non-arbitrary hotkey to change this
to, but ^Z was pretty arbitrary in the first place, so any unused
hotkey will do.
Soruce : http://www.mozdev.org/pipermail/vimperator/2008-October/002359.html