Whenever I open a new terminal instance, I get the following error:

failed MSpanList_Insert 0x44a3000 0x5859f1fae0a 0x0 0x0
fatal error: MSpanList_Insert

runtime stack:
runtime.throw(0x42046b0, 0x10)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/panic.go:530 +0x90 fp=0x7ffeefbfec30 sp=0x7ffeefbfec18
runtime.(*mSpanList).insert(0x42e3948, 0x44a3000)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:933 +0x293 fp=0x7ffeefbfec60 sp=0x7ffeefbfec30
runtime.(*mheap).freeSpanLocked(0x42e3140, 0x44a3000, 0x100, 0x0)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:809 +0x4be fp=0x7ffeefbfecc8 sp=0x7ffeefbfec60
runtime.(*mheap).grow(0x42e3140, 0x8, 0x0)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:675 +0x2a0 fp=0x7ffeefbfed20 sp=0x7ffeefbfecc8
runtime.(*mheap).allocSpanLocked(0x42e3140, 0x1, 0x0)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:553 +0x4e3 fp=0x7ffeefbfed78 sp=0x7ffeefbfed20
runtime.(*mheap).alloc_m(0x42e3140, 0x1, 0x15, 0x0)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:437 +0x119 fp=0x7ffeefbfeda8 sp=0x7ffeefbfed78
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:502 +0x41 fp=0x7ffeefbfedd8 sp=0x7ffeefbfeda8
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:307 +0xab fp=0x7ffeefbfede0 sp=0x7ffeefbfedd8
runtime.(*mheap).alloc(0x42e3140, 0x1, 0x10000000015, 0x402770f)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mheap.go:503 +0x63 fp=0x7ffeefbfee28 sp=0x7ffeefbfede0
runtime.(*mcentral).grow(0x42e4d40, 0x0)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mcentral.go:209 +0x93 fp=0x7ffeefbfee90 sp=0x7ffeefbfee28
runtime.(*mcentral).cacheSpan(0x42e4d40, 0x42df478)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mcentral.go:89 +0x47d fp=0x7ffeefbfeed0 sp=0x7ffeefbfee90
runtime.(*mcache).refill(0x449f000, 0x15, 0x7ffeefbfef38)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/mcache.go:119 +0xcc fp=0x7ffeefbfef08 sp=0x7ffeefbfeed0
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/malloc.go:642 +0x2b fp=0x7ffeefbfef28 sp=0x7ffeefbfef08
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:307 +0xab fp=0x7ffeefbfef30 sp=0x7ffeefbfef28
runtime.mallocgc(0x180, 0x41de0e0, 0x0, 0x800000000)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/malloc.go:643 +0x869 fp=0x7ffeefbff008 sp=0x7ffeefbfef30
runtime.newobject(0x41de0e0, 0x42df7d0)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/malloc.go:781 +0x42 fp=0x7ffeefbff030 sp=0x7ffeefbff008
runtime.malg(0x8000, 0x42dfa40)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go:2634 +0x27 fp=0x7ffeefbff068 sp=0x7ffeefbff030
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/os1_darwin.go:140 +0x1f fp=0x7ffeefbff080 sp=0x7ffeefbff068
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go:494 +0x105 fp=0x7ffeefbff0c8 sp=0x7ffeefbff080
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/proc.go:434 +0x79 fp=0x7ffeefbff110 sp=0x7ffeefbff0c8
runtime.rt0_go(0x7ffeefbff158, 0x3, 0x7ffeefbff158, 0x0, 0x7fff4f604145, 0x7fff4f604145, 0x0, 0x3, 0x7ffeefbff3b8, 0x7ffeefbff3bf, ...)
        /usr/local/Cellar/go/1.6/libexec/src/runtime/asm_amd64.s:138 +0x132 fp=0x7ffeefbff118 sp=0x7ffeefbff110

I have googled this many times unsuccessfully. I've seen other folks say it's an old version of go installed with Brew, but I don't have Go installed

➜ brew list
ack                             glib                            [email protected]                      pinentry
apple-gcc42                     gmp                             libogg                          pixman
autoconf                        gmp4                            libpng                          pkg-config
automake                        gmp@4                           libtiff                         postgresql
boost                           gnupg                           libtool                         ppl011
cairo                           gnupg2                          libusb                          [email protected]
cloog-ppl015                    gobject-introspection           libusb-compat                   pth
[email protected]                      gpg-agent                       libvorbis                       python
cmake                           harfbuzz                        libvpx                          qt
colordiff                       heroku                          libxml2                         rbenv
curl                            highlight                       libxslt                         readline
direnv                          icu4c                           libyaml                         reattach-to-user-namespace
dirmngr                         ilmbase                         little-cms2                     redis
eigen                           imagemagick                     llvm35                          ruby-build
elasticsearch                   isl                             lua                             scons
ffmpeg                          jbig2dec                        makedepend                      sqlite
fontconfig                      jpeg                            memcached                       texi2html
freerdp                         lame                            mongodb                         tmux
freetype                        libass                          mpfr                            watch
fribidi                         libassuan                       mpfr2                           watchman
gcc                             libevent                        mpfr@2                          wget
gcc46                           libffi                          mysql                           x264
[email protected]                         libgcrypt                       node                            xvid
gdbm                            libgpg-error                    numpy                           xz
gettext                         libiconv                        opencv                          yarn
ghostscript                     libksba                         openexr                         yasm
giflossy                        libmemcached                    openssl
gifsicle                        libmpc                          pcre
git                             libmpc08                        phantomjs

Others said something might have been compiled with an older version of Go. If this is what's happening, how might I go about figuring out what library that is?

I've researched this so many times and always end up just ignoring it. I'd really love to figure out the root issue!


Someone suggested I update all my brew dependencies. I ran brew upgrade and the problem still persists.

2 Answers 2


I just updated to macOS 10.13.4, ran brew upgrade, and this exact problem was finally resolved.

I previously ran brew doctor and followed the recommendations as well as brew cleanup and brew upgrade to no avail. I also installed Go and uninstalled it, though it wasn't installed to begin with.


Just to note that I have been struggling with this with a Git commands since upgrading my mac to High Sierra. Having already tried installing a later version of Go (which I also had not installed previously), running brew upgrade did finally fix the problem for me.

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