I'm trying to install Adobe DNG Converter automatically, as it has to be installed on multiple windows Servers. I tried searching for this, but did not find anything describing how to do it. The servers have Chocolatey installed, but the DNG converter doesn't exist as a package.

Double clicking the .exe just opens a UI dialog with one button, "Install". After clicking this everything installs, and you have to click "Finish" at the end.

I've tried to extract the installer:

  • DNGConverter_9_10_1.exe /s /extract_all
  • DNGConverter_9_10_1.exe /a /s /v"/qn /log TARGETDIR=\"C:\Users\myuser\Desktop\dng\""

  • DNGConverter_9_10_1.exe /silent /stage_only ISRootStagePath="C:\Users\myuser\Desktop\dng\"

but none of these does anything other than running the installer normally.

Is there anything else I can try to avoid the UI and automatically install the converter?

1 Answer 1


The DNG Converter installer was made using NSIS.

On Windows 10 with the latest version of DNG Converter (, this worked for me:

DNGConverter_10_0.exe /S

The S is upper-case, not lower-case. The command returned immediately and launched the installer silently in the background.


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