I'm currently learning about VMware virtualization technology and setup a small lab. However, the freshly installed vSphere Client (VMware vCenter Server Appliance, flash version) hangs on loading


What I tried so far:

  • Reboot the vSphere Client Appliance
  • Tried different Browsers (Internet Explorer, Edge, Firefox, Chrome)
  • Tried different OS (Windows Server 2012R2 and Windows 10)
  • Reinstalled Flash

I have no idea what else could help?

1 Answer 1


Okay, I was able to work it out myself. There were several problems with my setup uf my vCenter server:

  • I used the same Domainname for the SSO Domain as my AD Domain
  • I logged in with simply 'root' - instead of administrator@

After I fixed those points (had to reinstall vCenter server, I don't think you can change those points after initial installation) everything worked fine :)

Regards - Christian

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