I've been looking around and I found that it was related to an abort call, Something to do with an IOT trap, but any resource I find seems to assume you already know what that is. Probably isn't important, but I saw it and was curious. I suppose it could even just be arbitrary letters.
1 Answer
What does IOT mean in regards to SIGIOT?
It stands for input/output trap.
Macro: int SIGABRT
This signal indicates an error detected by the program itself and reported by calling abort. See Aborting a Program.
Macro: int SIGIOT
Generated by the PDP-11 “iot” instruction. On most machines, this is just another name for SIGABRT.
Source Program Error Signals
PDP-11 Jump and subroutine instructions
Jump and subroutine instructions
- JMP (jump)
- JSR (jump to subroutine)
- RTS (return from subroutine)
- MARK (support of stack clean-up at return)
- EMT (emulator trap)
- TRAP, BPT (breakpoint trap)
- IOT (input/output trap)
- RTI & RTT (return from interrupt)
Source PDP-11 architecture
Also mentioned (very briefly, and not explained) in PDP-11 instruction reference (6-page PDF) Commented Jan 12, 2018 at 23:22