I'm just looking for a proper and more elegant way of writing the following code in Bash:

in_array() {
local somearray=${1}[@]
local somevalue=${2}
for i in ${!somearray}; do
    if [[ ${i} == ${somevalue} ]]; then
        return 0
return 1

#declare array
declare -a myArray=(foo bar baz qux)

#defined values

#Ugly check if multiple strings are part of the array at the same time 
if in_array myArray $val1 && in_array myArray $val2; then
    # Do something #
    # Do something else#

The basic idea is that I need to check if 2 ore more static values are, at the same time, part of the array. Wondering if there's a better way of doing this, because if I'll need to check for more than 3-4 values... that if in_array line will get huge.

Any suggestion, please?

Thank you!

  • 1
    Your script doesn't work. "$(foo, bar, baz, qux)" should probably have been (foo bar baz qux), $val22 should be $val2.
    – choroba
    Feb 27, 2018 at 12:59
  • @choroba - sorry.. I should have checked better the syntax when posted. You are right
    – Marin N.
    Feb 27, 2018 at 14:18
  • @Hastur - please check my question again..
    – Marin N.
    Feb 28, 2018 at 15:35
  • @MarinNedea Any suggestion, please? --> check the answers from those links... for example when they suggest =~ (for the ugliness - it's more readable ) or when they propose to flatter the array and search the substring *"two"* (you can try *$var1* && *$var1*) ... BTW I think you can agree better is really relative... :-) better to read, better because more efficient (you need to use a different function as your answer... to break the 1st time you do not find...)...?
    – Hastur
    Feb 28, 2018 at 15:48

1 Answer 1


Well, array operations in bash are always ugly, as shown by your own way to pass the array to the function.

I would convert your test into a for loop over the arguments which remain after assigning the array:

in_array () {
    local somearray=${1}[@]
    for SEARCH_VALUE in "$@"; do
        for ARRAY_VALUE in ${!somearray}; do
            if [[ $ARRAY_VALUE == $SEARCH_VALUE ]]; then
        if ! $FOUND; then
            return 1
    return 0

so you can check for the presence of all the values in a single function call:

arr=(1 2 3 4 5)
in_array arr 1 # 0
in_array arr 1 2 # 0
in_array arr 1 6 # 1
in_array arr 1 2 3 4 5 # 0

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