How can I configure emacs on OS X so that it just quits without popping up a dialogue asking if I want to save files?

Please note that I'm not interested in rebinding C-x C-c or something - my desired behavior is that when I try to restart the system, emacs doesn't prevent shutdown.


1 Answer 1


See the Emacs manual, node Exiting. There you'll see this:

If the value of the variable confirm-kill-emacs is non-nil, C-x C-c assumes that its value is a predicate function, and calls that function. If the result of the function call is non-nil, the session is killed, otherwise Emacs continues to run. One convenient function to use as the value of confirm-kill-emacs is the function yes-or-no-p. The default value of confirm-kill-emacs is nil.

To kill Emacs without being prompted about saving, type M-x kill-emacs.

And you can bind kill-emacs to any key (including to C-x C-c).

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