I'm facing a strange problem here...
My database is in a AWS EC2 and I was used to connect to it through SSH using MySql Workbenh.
To do it, I generated a passphrase protected ppk file using puttygen
on ubuntu 16.04 and it worked fine.
But after an update, using the same configuration, I receive this error message:
Could not connect the SSH Tunnel
Authentication error. Please check that your username and password are correct and try again. Details (Original exception message): Bad authentication type, the server is not accepting this type of authentication. Allowed ones are: [u'publickey']
So, searching on Google I found this two guys with the same problem: this, and this.
The solution proposed is generate a public open-ssh file and use it, then it was I did:
puttygen myKey.ppk -O public-openssh -o myKey.ppk
And the problem stills the same! I'm not sure if the Workbench update (it is in 6.3.10 version now) caused this issue, but before that I could connect with no problems. I can connect normally in server through ssh in ubuntu terminal.
What I can do?
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04
- MySql: Ver 14.14 Distrib 5.7.21
- MySql Workbench: CE (GPL) 6.3.10