I am finishing up a backup script for my peers to use while at work and I need assistance.

We are brazillian and as such, files and paths will be in Portuguese. This means I need Unicode characters like é, á, à, ç and the likes. For example: C:\Users\Usuário\Área de Trabalho is a valid path.

If I open up a command prompt and type like that, it will accept the characters accordingly. However if I try to use the same characters in a batch script, I get strange characters.

In both cases, if I open up a command prompt and type chcp, I get as response that it's using codepage 850. If I put chcp onto a batch file and run it, it gives the same response. So, in running a cmd instance or a batch, the codepage used is the same, but the characters accepted are not.

If I open up cmd or put in a script chcp 65001 (codepage of UTF-8), as soon as I type anything Unicode and press enter it closes the prompt window. I tried for example typing just echo é and it was enough to crash cmd.

I need to be able to read/write data with those characters. I am using Sublime Text to code.

How do I make this work?

  • Comments are not for extended discussion; this conversation has been moved to chat.
    – DavidPostill
    Mar 22, 2018 at 18:02
  • Are you writing the script in the UTF-8 encoding? May 7, 2018 at 15:00


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