I have downloaded docker image and run it interactively using -it argument. However there are some applications that are missing and I install them by apt-get. The problem is everytime I exit the session everything I have installed is erased and I have to reinstall it next time. I thought maybe installing applications in a mounted directory using -v option might work, but since there are already some other applications in that directory I thought that might not be the ideal solution. Is there a standard way to save the current session, meaning save the applications that I've installed. What about the changes to the .bashrc and .bash_profile, and similar files. Is there a an elegant way to save them as well?


This is the session and its container ID, that I would like to re-run. Is there a way to run it interactively again using the container ID?

CONTAINER ID        IMAGE                     COMMAND             CREATED             STATUS                       PORTS               NAMES
50e77c283ae9        shogun/shogun-dev         "bash"              24 hours ago        Exited (1) 4 hours ago                           dreamy_fermi

2 Answers 2


I see from your issue you have two ways around this:

  • Generate a docker image from a container that has all packages and configurations you need persistent. In this way, you don’t need to install packages and do configurations every time you create a new container
  • Create a custom docker image from Dockerfile with all packages you need to install. When running container, you can map custom files and persistent data store using -v volume.

Let’s use an example to make this clearer.

# docker run -it --name test_con ubuntu:16.04 /bin/bash

I’ll install few packages, namely vim, bash-completion and wget.

root@9c67dc1776cd:/# apt-get update
root@9c67dc1776cd:/# apt-get install vim bash-completion wget

Then create a new docker image from this container, I have named it test_con. For this we’ll use the command option commit.

# docker commit -m "updated packages" test_con ubuntu:v1

If command execution is successful, you should get output similar to this.


Confirm if new container was indeed created with this command:

# docker images

Create test container from it and check if wget is present.

# docker run --name test --rm -it ubuntu:v1
root@401345aecec5:/# which wget

For the second option, you can look at this wiki page on docker commands. This will help you customize your images on initial creation.


The whole point of Docker is that it doesn't change. If you want to change it, update the Docker image.

  • I've updated the question with the information about the session, in particular the session ID. Is there a way to execute it again? Mar 26, 2018 at 15:29
  • 1
    @AmeerJewdaki It sounds like you could really benefit from going through Docker's walkthrough. There's no shame in it!
    – Alex
    Mar 26, 2018 at 15:31

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