I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 as host OS and I'm trying to install slackware as a guest OS.

I'm using QEMU/KVM as emulator. I followed this link to install slackware. But after installation it asks to reboot, but after reboot the slackware isn't booting.

Slackware uses LILO as bootloader not GRUB. I found this link in forums about installing the slackware in KVM. But I'm not able to get what the thread's conversation.

2 Answers 2


Slackware uses LILO as bootloader not GRUB.

Slackware contains GRUB. You can install it as boot loader immediate after setup: https://docs.slackware.com/howtos:slackware_admin:grub_on_first_install

or sometime later.


but after reboot the slackware isn't booting.

What you see at boot? Any messages?

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