I have a 2017 MacBook Pro (15") and have put Ubuntu 18.04 on it. I've managed to get the drivers for keyboard and the trackpad working, but so far, I am unable to connect to Wi-Fi.

But I am able to see Wi-Fi networks, and I can attempt to connect to the (type in password etc. - yes, the password is correct), but the network utility just spins for a minute, and then asks for the password again.

I am happy to provide whatever details you need!

  • Update: I am able to connect to my phone's tethering, when I turn off authentication completely (no wpa2...).
    – Silvertail
    Commented Jul 14, 2018 at 2:10

1 Answer 1


Turns out the Wi-Fi module was trying to randomize its MAC address via NetworkManager.

The standard fix for this did not work, but I was able to get it to work by going into /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections and editing my specific connection.

I added mac-address-randomization=0, tried connecting to the network again, and everything worked!

  • No, this is apparently automatic with NetworkManager. Originally it was meant as a security feature by the devs.
    – Silvertail
    Commented Jul 15, 2018 at 1:08

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