How do you convert a Docx file to a PDF containing fillable form fields?

Note, I'm not asking how to convert a Docx to PDF. That's trivial using Libreoffice or the print dialog. However, that generates effectively a flat file. PDF supports the notion of "form fields" that a user can fill in and then save their changes as a new PDF file. However, other than Adobe's proprietary tools, I can't find a way to do this on Linux.

  • I'm confused, this appears to be a question about Libreoffice, why is it tagged as being about Microsoft-Word? Jul 17, 2018 at 0:49
  • Are you looking for software then? Consider the pdflabs.com/docs/install-pdftk-on-redhat-or-centos as it appears to work on some Linux OSes so test it out when you get a chance.You shouldn't be software shopping here and if you have an actual document in a specific format which you need to convert, consider giving a link to a test document or a screen shot or something to show what you are starting with, etc. Jul 17, 2018 at 13:20

1 Answer 1


There are a few Linux tools, such as the commercial product Master PDF.

However, there are many online tools, such as JotForm, PDFescape and PDFfiller, that let you compose a PDF form online or submit a document. A screenshot of PDFescape's interface is below.

PDFescape interface

It is likely that some Windows OS PDF tools run under wine. About half the Windows applications I've tried, such as IrfanView and 7-Zip, run quite well in wine, though some others do not work as well, and some won't even start.

Caveat: I've not tested the Linux application or the online services.

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