I've a VDSL/fibre connection to my home with about 5/30 Mbps up/down. I've discovered that uploading large files, my house's entire internet access is virtually non-responsive even to the extent my modem reports the internet connection is offline!
Googling tells me this is quite common, effectively when the upstream is totally saturated my computer can't send response packets when downloading information, if I have this right.
But this seems crazy and surely there must be a solution? My model/router lets me set bandwidth limits overall and for IP ranges which seems a good place to start but I'm not sure how. First I just tried to set an upstream limit of "4Mbps" but this seems very kludgy, my upstream limit may vary all the time. Plus I'm not sure this wouldn't just saturate my network at the artificial limit in the same way.
I'm rather amazed my OS doesn't marshall traffic better (in the case only my computer is using the network and I can't browse the web while uploading). And also that even home-grade router/modems don't use some common sense to keep a bit of bandwidth aside for routine traffic. But then I know very little about this!
What, if any, is a good way to allow a device to upload/download near the limit to my house without crippling other devices' access? I'm not even after load balancing so two devices can download/upload at once, just that one device doing a big upload/download doesn't deny others a few Kbps for email and web browsing!