
Some (graphics) objects in Matlab seem to have "names". For example, if I create a plot plot(1,1) and give it a title title('mytitle') and then access the current axes via gca I get the following answer:

ans = 

  Axes (mytitle) with properties:

             XLim: [0 2]
             YLim: [0 2]
           XScale: 'linear'
           YScale: 'linear'
    GridLineStyle: '-'
         Position: [0.1300 0.1100 0.7750 0.8150]
            Units: 'normalized'

  Show all properties

You can see that in parentheses we have "mytitle". How can I access this string?

I know that in this case, I could just get the title string, but I want to know how to generally access this name.

I'm running Matlab R2016a

1 Answer 1


Clicking the "Show all properties" (or calling get(gca)) you get a complete list of all properties of the current axes. The "Title" property is what your looking for.

Calling t = get(gca,'Title') you'll get all properties of the Title object, and you can access the string by calling t.String.

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