Hi I notice that when I checked my chrome task manager that subframe staticset.com causes high CPU usage. Is there a way to know what causes of this? and is there a way to check for plugins and extensions that causing problems with high CPU usage? what does subframes do?

  • The developer console might help you. It has a script and network debugger that can show you the assets of a site. Maybe you can gain some information from there.
    – confetti
    Aug 30, 2018 at 3:50

2 Answers 2


This must be a mining websit.I con't open it(502).I just try to direct this domain name to but I don't know if it will work.


Press shift+Esc, double-click the Subframe staticset.com, find the plug-in, and uninstall it. The problem is caused by plug-ins.

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