How do i send an html email in outlook 2016, and make sure that the pictures load on the recipients' end (as it is not loading and instead there is a box with red cross displaying). I have tried inserting as text-the html file, and sending it but the picture does not load in the recipient's end.

1 Answer 1


Embedding images is done by inserting HTML containing <img> tags pointing to locally available images, or by embedding a (small) base64-encoded image inline :

<img alt="Embedded Image" height="128" width="128" src="....snip..." />

However, many email clients block embedded images as a security measure, so that's not the best way to send images.

A better way is to make the images available on your website, or alternatively stored on a public server such as imgur.com.

The simplest test whether the email is readable, is to send it to yourself on Outlook, or to another account such as Gmail.

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