Context of the problem: The other day I had my USB borrowed and got it's contents modified by some type of minor malware I'm guessing. I could no longer find my files but they were taking up space.
Problem: I cannot access my files that are in my USB drive I cannot see the directory or access it, my drive contains the files but I cannot cd
into the folder from the terminal since it's name similar to .
Steps I took trying to access or recover the files: I first proceeded to try and view the files on a Windows machine on the regular Explorer with hidden files being revealed, after that step proved not to work at all I proceeded to list the files on my CMD prompt using the following command: dir /s/a \\?/d:/ESD-USB
and got back a dump of the files and directories that are currently in my drive, part of the dump looks like this:
Directory of \\?\d:\ESD-USB\ \boot
10/29/2018 02:06 PM <DIR> .
10/29/2018 02:06 PM <DIR> ..
09/29/2017 09:08 AM 16,384 bcd
09/29/2017 03:59 AM 3,170,304 boot.sdi
09/29/2017 03:59 AM 1,024 bootfix.bin
09/29/2017 09:08 AM 106,528 bootsect.exe
09/29/2017 03:59 AM 4,096
09/29/2017 09:08 AM 818,072 memtest.exe
12/27/2017 06:01 AM <DIR> en-us
12/27/2017 06:01 AM <DIR> fonts
12/27/2017 06:01 AM <DIR> resources
6 File(s) 4,116,408 bytes
I also tried accessing the files from my OSX machine and could not list them using ls -la
. The only way I could see my files in my drive was with the previous step.
What I need or would like to know: I would like to know how to access my files in the first place so I can move or copy them to somewhere accessible on Windows or OSX using the terminal on either platforms.
Note: /boot
is only one of several folders that are within the USB drive (example: / /boot
, / /files
, / /IT
, are directories where my files live and I can't access normally).