I'm trying get a SUM of values in column C only if value in cell A doesn't match any values in column B:

    |   A    |   B   |  C  |
  1 |  Tom   |       | 1   |
  2 |  Mary  |       | 2   |
  3 |  Kevin | Mary  | 4   |
  4 |  Susan | Test  | 8   |
  5 |  Bob   | Eve   | 16  |
  6 |  Eve   | Blah  | 32  |
  7 |  Kat   |       | 64  |

In this example the result would be 93, because Mary and Eve present in column B and ignored

2 Answers 2


You can use the following, entered as an array formula with CTRL+SHIFT+ENTER:


enter image description here

(Thanks to @JNevill)


Try this formula:


Type Ctrl+Shift+Enter

enter image description here

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