I'm trying to create awk script that can provide a structured listing of account information for all UIDs greater than 1000. This is what I tried: This is the expected output

BEGIN { FS=":"}

$3>1000 && $3<2000 {print $1   "  uid: " $3 " Full name: " $5 " Home dir "$6 " Shel :"$7}BEGIN { FS=":"} 

the resualt i got

  • And what have you tried so far?
    – Matej
    Feb 19, 2019 at 4:59
  • BEGIN { FS=":"} $3>1000 && $3<2000 {print $1 " uid: " $3 " Full name: " $5 " Home dir "$6 " Shel :"$7}BEGIN { FS=":"}
    – Luay Aq
    Feb 19, 2019 at 5:47

2 Answers 2


Try this:

BEGIN { FS=":" }
  if($3 > 1000 && $3 < 2000){
    print $1
    print " uid: " $3
    print " Full name: " $5
    print " Home dir: " $6
    print " Shel: " $7

First line - BEGIN { FS=":" } - sets field separator to : on the beginning of script run. Every line will be splitted to separate columns and saved to variables $1 - $n (n is number of separated fields).

After that you have there { } and this will be executed for every input line. There is the if inside and it checks uid value, prints will print required datas if value is correct.


The problem here is that awk is interpreting the UIDs as strings; you can force it to interpret as integers for the comparison by doing integer calculations with it.

The easiest way is to add a 0 to the value.


$3 + 0 > 1000 && $3 + 0 < 2000

Here is a good awk reference for this: https://www.gnu.org/software/gawk/manual/html_node/Strings-And-Numbers.html#Strings-And-Numbers

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