name    day1 day2  day3   day4 day5  totalhr  DAY 
person1 2hr  4hr   1.5hr  1hr  2hr   11.5 
Person2 3hr  2.4hr 2hr    2hr  3hr   12.5 
Person3 3hr  2hr   2hr    2hr  3hr   12hr 

I have an Excel sheet that has text values (like the examples above).

I want a way I can convert them into days such that:

If I have 12hrs, it rounds off to the nearest day and becomes 1 Day. If it is more than 12 hrs, it can say for example 1 day 2 hrs. Until the 2hrs grows to 12hrs it becomes 1 day.

It is important to note that the values are in General format and not date or time.

I see the hours is making it so difficult.

Can we ignore the hrs from both the input value: it should be total 12 = 1day 3hr (where 3 is the hours or without hr).

I don't want to convert to strings. If the formula is without hrs it is fine. My point is how to had i.e. 2 , 3 , 1, each representing hours when it gets to a total of 12, it becomes one day. 12 hours = 1 day. you can ignore hrs in the formula.


  • 2
    1 day = 24 hours, not 12 hours.
    – DavidPostill
    Mar 10, 2019 at 14:09
  • What is your question? How to extract numeric values from strings that contain numbers (e.g., how to extract 1.5 from 1.5hr), or how to do the rounding? Please do not respond in comments; edit your question to make it clearer and more complete. Mar 10, 2019 at 18:48
  • Simple I want a formula that adds total numbers of different days and calculate if it is = 12 hours, then it = 1 day. If more than 12 hours i.e 13hours = 1 day 1hour, if = 24hours, then it is = 2 days. etc. please
    – ann jenny
    Mar 17, 2019 at 15:49

3 Answers 3


How about:

=IF(MOD(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr",""),24)>=12,ROUND(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr","")/24, 0), FLOOR(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr","")/24,1)&" D "&MOD(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr",""),24)&" H")

Where E5is your cell for example.



removes "hrs" and "hr".

Then other part checks if the MOD of hours is >= 12:

  • When Yes, then round it to the next day
  • When No, then write down the FLOOR, followed by the hours
  • Thanks Ahmed. This worked. Here is the formular I used: =IF(MOD(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr",""),12)>=12,ROUND(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr","")/12, 0), FLOOR(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr","")/12,1)&" D "&MOD(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(E5,"hrs",""),"hr",""),12)&" H") I only changed 24 to 12 and it worked perfectly.
    – ann jenny
    Apr 12, 2019 at 13:06
  • @annjenny Great, then please accept the answer Apr 12, 2019 at 13:08
  • I gave it upvote already. Just let me know how I can accept it.
    – ann jenny
    Apr 12, 2019 at 13:09
  • 1
    Done. I accepted it.
    – ann jenny
    Apr 12, 2019 at 13:14

You can use this function to get the numbers from the cell with time (if the time is in cell A2):


You can add the value of several cells by having this formula in a SUM()function, one for each cell.

Say that you put that in E5you can then convert it to days and hours with something like :

= QUOTIENT(E5,24) & IF(E5/24<2, " Day ", " Days ") & MOD(E5,24) & IF(MOD(E5,24)<2, " Hour", " Hours")

And round up anything less than a day by putting that in an if like:

= IF(E5/24<1, "1 Day",QUOTIENT(E5,24) & IF(E5/24<2, " Day ", " Days ") & REST(E5,24) & IF(REST(E5,24)<2, " Hour", " Hours"))

Sources: https://www.ablebits.com/office-addins-blog/2017/11/22/excel-extract-number-from-string/


enter image description here

How it works:

  • I'm assuming that Data in Range A2:F4.
  • Array (CSE) Formula in G2:


N.B. Finish Formula with Ctrl+Shift+Enter & fill down.

  • Enter this Formula in H2 & fill it down.

    =INT(INT(SUBSTITUTE(G2,"hr","")/24)) & " days" & " "&INT(MOD(SUBSTITUTE(G2,"hr",""),24)) & " hours"

Adjust Cell references in the Formula as needed.

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