After transferring all my files onto a new machine, all files that were once LaTeX files (having the texnic center "T" icon) are now TeX files (having the TeX works icon --I don't remember installing that one!). But....the files are associated with the technic center! In other words, the files open with the texnic center, yet the "type of file" is "tex document".
I'm using the same miktex distrubution and texnicCenter (both for windows xp) as on the old machine. Again, I don't know how/where I got this texworks on the new machine--assuming it came with windows.
A question: Could these tex associations cause me any new surprises, anything unexpected? Like certain packages not working, etc? Because I can't have that!! Should I not fix it if it ain't broken!?
For instance, one particular file yesterday would not produce any pdf output after compiling...after trying many things (other files compiled as they should have), I got to thinking to try it without the setspace for doublespacing!! And it worked. I have no idea why. Anyway....
Real question: How to revert to LaTeX file associations??
Rhetorical question: Would this question have better luck in ctan or stackoverflow? I guess I'll find out!
Thank you wholeheartedly!