I have a "working days" Excel file with two sheets. In the 1st sheet I had three columns with type, surname and department (of employees), the days and date of the month. Below the days-dates columns, I "check" the days that employees are working with the number "1" (it could be a tick).

Input example

Is it possible, when I check in the sheet 1 an employee at a specific date with number "1" (or tick), to automatically fill, in the 2nd sheet, the data from type, surname and department in each column (sheet 1 B,C,D to sheet 2 B,C,D and E,F,G)?

Output example

1 Answer 1


Since I see you only want to see "Employees" and their "Managers", I created a few formulas for them. I am not sure how would I make it work with "Head managers".

(Note: change Sheet1 with your actual 1st sheet name. Use single quotes if your sheet has spaces, e.g. '1st sheet')

B3 (Enter to enter the formula):


C3 (Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the array formula):


D3 (Enter to enter the formula):


E3 (Enter to enter the formula):


F3 (Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the array formula):


G3 (Ctrl+Shift+Enter to enter the array formula):



  • First of all, thank you for answer! For the Head Managers, it could be HeadManager. I don't know if I helped you...
    – Marios
    Apr 1, 2019 at 14:20
  • I don't know if you understand what I want to do... When I write the number 1 (or another number, symbol, etc) to E7 of Sheet1, I want to automatically fill the B3-C3-D3 of Sheet2 with the data of B7-C7-D7 of Sheet1.
    – Marios
    Apr 1, 2019 at 14:42
  • What about E3, F3, G3 of sheet2 ? These formulas fill those too, together with B3, C3, D3.
    – ZygD
    Apr 1, 2019 at 15:29
  • The E3, F3, G3 of sheet2 have to automatically fill by B17, C17, E17 of sheet1. Could they?
    – Marios
    Apr 1, 2019 at 15:56
  • Man... It seems you have not checked the answer at all. Yes, all the cells in sheet2 are updated automatically. When you input 1 in the sheet1, then this employee appears automatically on sheet2 together with his manager. But I am too busy now to make this work for Head managers. You have the formulas. You are on a good path. Now it's time for you to do the work.
    – ZygD
    Apr 2, 2019 at 6:59

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