How can I plot a data file matrix with image and some horizontal lines (no head arrows) on the same figure? I already tried this code:

set arrow 2 nohead from 0,50, graph 0 to 200,50, graph 1 front lc "black"
set arrow 2 nohead from 0,200, graph 1 to 200,200, graph 2 front lc "black"
plot 'data.txt' matrix w image

but only displays one line.

1 Answer 1


The number after set arrow identifies an arrow for later changes and must be unique. You overwrite the first arrow with the second one by using the same tag number. You can simply omit it:

set arrow nohead from 0,50 to 200,50 front lc "black"

set arrow nohead from 0,200 to 200,200 front lc "black"

plot 'data.txt' matrix w image

Your coordinate definitions were also wrong. You must specify only two values,not three for plot. And the graph coordinate system is usually meaningful only for the range 0..1


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