How to encode WAV PCM into WAV with ADPCM encoding?

I tried FFmpeg. I can see from the old FFmpeg codec list, that it previously supported encoding into adpcm_adx, adpcm_ima_qt, adpcm_ima_wav, adpcm_ms, adpcm_swf and adpcm_yamaha. However, these codecs seem to be not included into FFmpeg anymore (at least, in my v.4.1.3 installation).

The purpose is to include a miniature audio file into an embedded project and then decode it with dr_wav library, which supports IMA ADPCM and Microsoft ADPCM.

  • 1
    My copy of (Arch Linux built) ffmpeg 4.1.3 still lists all these codecs and more (adpcm_g722, adpcm_g726) available for encoding under 'ffmpeg -codecs'. Could you clarify how you installed ffmpeg yourself, and include the output of ffmpeg -version? May 26, 2019 at 10:16
  • @grawity, thanks for help! I was looking at ffmpeg -formats | grep adpcm instead of ffmpeg -codecs | grep adpcm. Silly me... And I also was using -f option instead of -acodec, so I got confused by Requested output format 'adpcm_ms' is not a suitable output format error... – Feel free to provide an answer. May 26, 2019 at 11:46

1 Answer 1


Just to close the question, here are two ways to convert audio into WAV with ADPCM encoding:

1) With FFmpeg:

ffmpeg -i INPUT.wav -f wav -acodec adpcm_ms OUTPUT.wav

2) With SoX:

sox INPUT.wav -e ms-adpcm OUTPUT.wav

Thanks to @grawity for the help!

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