I have 2 columns containing strings. In the third column, I am trying to create a camelCase version of the strings, but I am stuck on how to accomplish the task. It has the following formula:

=SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(SUBSTITUTE(A1&B1,"ñ","n")," del"," Del")," ","")

except that the leftmost character is in uppercase (like BinanLaguna).

All I know is the following formula makes a string lowercase, but I do not know how to return the entire string (binanLaguna) and not just the leftmost character (b):


LibreOffice camelcase problem

1 Answer 1


Using your formula to change the case of the first letter, you can then get the rest of the string using =MID(A1, 2, LEN(A1)). This gets everything from the second letter to the end of the string in cell A1. You can then CONCATENATE the 2 values together.

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