Since macOS has deprecated smbclient in favor of smbutil, I've started using it.

However, I cannot get smbutil to list the permissions for shared listed using the view subcommand.

How can I list the permissions e.g. READ/WRITE, so that I know which shares can be properly mounted.

Currently, I could mount the general share below without problems, but the Files share fails:

Nicolass-MacBook-Pro:tmp nlykkei$ mount -t smbfs //guest:@ /tmp/smb
mount_smbfs: mount error: /private/tmp/smb: Unknown error: -1073741275

Any ideas?

Nicolass-MacBook-Pro:smb nlykkei$ smbutil view -a //
Share                                           Type    Comments
print$                                          Disk    Printer Drivers
Development                                     Disk    FriendZone Samba Server Files
IPC$                                            Pipe    IPC Service (FriendZone server (Samba, Ubuntu))
general                                         Disk    FriendZone Samba Server Files
Files                                           Disk    FriendZone Samba Server Files /etc/Files


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