I've been trying to access my router's configuration page without success and it's driving me crazing right now.

The internet is working fine, and I can connect to WiFi using the router's default password.

I have a Motorolla SBG6580 (modem + router). I've tried everything listed here to connect to the configuration page:

  • Checked the IP address of the default gateway of the router ( and the modem (
  • I'm using an Ethernet connection directly between my computer and the router.
  • I've tried http, https, diffrent ports, nothing works.
  • I've tried multiple browsers and disabling firewalls and antiviruses on Windows, nothing worked. Also tried the same on Linux, doesn't work either.

The strangest part is that when I reset the router to the factory settings, I can access the configuration page normally for about one minute or so after the router reboots (simply typing in the chrome address bar), then I start having problems again.

1 Answer 1


Well, turns out my ISP was blocking me from configuring my router...

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