I've an old system at home in which I've installed Windows 7 Professional. I use it seldom, although it contains important data and software for my use. I've created two accounts in it- one is mine, that's default, and has administrative rights, and other for my younger brother (a guest account). My main account (i.e., administrator) is protected by a password, thus if my brother wants to install any piece of software such as games, etc., it would require my permission.
But from sometime, I am noticing that every time I log in to my account, Windows doesn't prompt password for log in! Besides, new games and software are installed in it, which would, for sure require 'Administrative Rights' for installation.
Then I head to the User Account section and notice that I am still the administrator, although the password has been removed! Furthermore, I set the password, and after few days back when I again log in to my system, the password is removed, and a new game is installed.
Now at this point I am very angry; my brother has been using some kind of 'command prompt' based software (I noticed one day) to reset or remove the administrative password. I cannot keep him away from the system since I am away for work most of the times, and also cannot remove his account, for it's for his use too. I just don't want any such 'theft access' to my system.
Anyone has any idea, what he might be doing and how this can be resolved by some settings or so?
Thanks in advance!