I have a directory called root. It has deeply nested subdirectories. In these subdirectories, there are a bunch of files. I want to find the biggest files in root.

I don't want to find directories at all. I don't care about the size of the largest directory, I just want to find the largest files.

- subdir1
  - small file 1
  - large file 1
  - small file 2
  ... lots more files      
- subdir2
  - small file 3
  - large file 2

I want to print out large file 1 and large file 2. I don't want it to print out anything about root, subdir1, or subdir2, even if they're bigger than large file 1 or 2. That's just noise to me.

How do I do that on a mac on the command line?

2 Answers 2


Let ls do the sorting->

find . -type f -exec ls -S {} + | head -n10
  • 6
    Good, but it doesn't let me see the size of the files. -Sl would be better Commented Aug 21, 2019 at 20:38

This is what I came up with:

find . -type f -exec ls -l {} + | sort -rk 5,5 | head -10

Find all files (this ignores directories), then ls -l them so I can see their sizes. Pass that into sort. -k 5,5 says to sort by the 5th column (the column that has size), and -r sorts descending. head -10 gives me the largest 10 (not the full list).

  • 1
    For me this just sorts alphabetically rather than numerically. I had to add -h to the sort command to sort by file size numerically
    – Shawn
    Commented Jan 12, 2022 at 21:48

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