Is there a setting or some kind of user-script I can use to view all songs that aren't already on my iPod (from within iTunes, I'm sure there'a a command line way to just compare the files). I often add new music to iTunes but don't necessarily want it all on my iPod, so I need some way to browse new music.
FWIW the Date Added field doesn't help to identify new music, because I recently changed laptop so all the music is the same date. Besides, tastes change and I may want to add something to my iPod now which I didn't when it was first added to iTunes.
I imagine some script to add all non-iPod songs to a playlist, or perhaps just add some attribute to songs for filtering into a smart playlist would work, but I don't know how to do that yet, and I was also wondering if there's something native?
Using iTunes app on Windows 10