I have compiled a playlist in foobar audio player. My files lie in nested folders. There's a common root. Then there's a folder to distinguish the origin of the files (bought from amazon, iTunes, ripped from CD etc.) and eventually the typical hierarchy of artist and album.

When I drag the files from fb2k into a folder in explorer the hierarchy is flattened. The files are simply copied into one folder. A search on the internet says there's a tool AmoK Playlist Copy that allows for opening a .fpl playlist file and copy the audio files listed there into another directory maintaining the folder hierarchy. The latest version of that program dates back to 2011. I got it but was unable to open a .fpl playlist. Foobar has modified their file format. Historic playlist files stored in a folder playlists-v1.3 can be read. Files from folder playlists-v1.4, however, cannot be read. The v1.3 files are far outdated.

I want to copy carefully selected files to a USB stick and want to maintain structure of folders.

How can I copy audio files from a playlist in foobar to a folder maintaining hierarchy of the subfolders?

2 Answers 2


There's the possibility to select some or even all files in a playlist, right click and select File Operations => Copy to....

There's an input field for a pattern for the target file. That accepts operators and functions from foobar documentation. When the hierarchy of the folders is known and fixed one can work with the various functions. A possible solution can look like: $directory(%path%,3)/$directory(%path%,2)/%directory%/%filename%.

That solution got support from foobar forum.


Say you have all your files in


And you want to copy it to your usb in


and preserve the folder structure. Go to:

Foobar > playlist > select all the files that you want to copy > right click > File operations > Copy to > ...

Then this window will open:

File Operations Setup Window

Now in that window:

Operation: Copy

Destination: E:\

File name: $replace(%path%,C:\music\,,%filename_ext%,)%filename%

Now check in the preview, if its correct. Then click 'Run'.





  1. Look for search2 in str and replace with replace2

Replace 'blackorwhite.flac' with '' in 'C:\music\mj\blackorwhite.flac'

Result: 'C:\music\mj\'

  1. Look for search1 in the result we got above and replace with replace1

Replace 'C:\music\' with '' in 'C:\music\mj\'

Result: 'mj\'

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