When I used Outlook tasks and mark a task as "Completed", it disappears from the list. When I use the Tasks view "Completed", this is empty even though I have marked numerous tasks as complete. I also cannot mark tasks with a due date (right-clicking only has options "Mark Complete" or "Clear Flag".

I think this is because we are using Gmail for business as our mail server, and Outlook is using the reduced functionality of Gmail which only has "Starred/Unstarred."

Is it possible to use the full Outlook tasks capabilities with Gmail as mail server? (I have enabled IMAP in Gmail settings)

2 Answers 2


Disappear from To-Do list or task folder?

If you've set a filter, completed tasks may be filtered. Please click View > View Settings. Turn off Filter. enter image description here

You can refer to this official article: Show all tasks marked complete

  • Thanks, yes the filter is off and when I follow the instructions in to view tasks masked as completed it shows an empty list (even though it should not.)
    – mjeppesen
    Sep 5, 2019 at 2:24
  • Can you search Task folder and find these tasks marked as completed?
    – Perry
    Sep 6, 2019 at 9:33
  • My Tasks > To-Do List is full of unfinished tasks, when marked as complete they disappear and do not reappear in "Completed", My Tasks > Tasks is empty
    – mjeppesen
    Sep 11, 2019 at 11:33
  • If this is not a view setting issue, you may test this in a new profile. This will help check if it lies on personal settings or corrupted data file
    – Perry
    Sep 16, 2019 at 9:38

According to this Microsoft Office article, it is not possible: Google IMAP supports Mail in Outlook but not Contacts, Calendar, Tasks, and Notes:


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