I am not sure if the question is the right one for my situation, but here is what I want to do:

I've downloaded a .csv file with Chinese characters in it. When opened with MS Excel, the Chinese characters will be displayed as question marks; but if I open it with MacOS's Numbers or Google Sheet, the Chinese characters can display. I then open it with Atom, the characters originally show as question marks, and Atom "auto detect" the encoding to be UTF-8, but if I select encoding as "Chinese(GBK)", they display normally.

I also test it with notepad++, which seems to guess the encoding right as Numbers and Google Sheet do and display the right characters.

Now the question is, what should I do to THIS file so Excel can recognize it? Of course I can change the encoding in a working editor then copy all the content into notepad to create a new .csv file, but I am just wondering if there is anyway to change the original file's encoding?



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