I’ve been using these commands to create a full:

mariabackup --backup 
--user=NOTSHOWN --password=NOTSHOWN

And this to create a incremental backup:

mariabackup --backup  
--user=NOTSHOWN --password=NOTSHOWN

On my test database all went fine and the incremental is small,
but now on a bigger database the incremental is 11GB and the full is
12GB in size.

There are no connections beside the backup script to the server. What did go wrong here?

  • Alright, doing a full with compress did make it bigger (+4GB) but the incremental went down to 2GB. doing a incremental from the incremental also resulted in a 2GB folder...since nothing changed, whats in the 2GB data? Now doing a incremental from a incremental without adding the --compress option (the first incremental was compressed) results in 11GB from 2Gb compressed. apparently theres data in there that can't be compressed? Oct 8, 2019 at 8:26


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