I was trying to do a right join of two tables, but it seems like it was too much information or the syntax was wrong and then the page froze so I closed out of it. But when I tried to reload PHPmyadmin, it shows everything in red and nothing will load. I tried restarting the server but it's the same.

Is there anyway to reset it or something? Websites still load/access the database fine, it's just phpmyadmin seems to be blocked now?

It says

Cannot use a scalar value as an array
Error in processing request
Error code: 500
Error text: Internal Server Error (rejected)
It seems that the connection to server has been lost.
Please check your network connectivity and server status.

Screenshot: phpmyadmin error 500

Thanks for any help

  • Please use latest 5.0 version and open an issue on our Github tracker Jan 11, 2020 at 12:59
  • I know that issue exists but never succeed to reproduce it Jan 11, 2020 at 13:00

1 Answer 1


Just clear cookies for localhost or the domain phpMyAdmin is using in your browser. That solved the issue for me.

  • that was frustrating, I thought I broke my database...
    – CrandellWS
    Apr 28, 2021 at 16:23

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