One-by-One Full URL Viewing:
Just hover over the title of the page you see in Chrome's history and look in the bottom left corner for the URL.
Bulk URL Viewing
Here is how to run the JavaScript snippet provided by hlovdal (in their response to CalvinDale's answer):
Open Chrome History
Open Developer Tools (right click > Inspect)
Navigate to Console Tab
Paste hlovdal's snippet (see below)
You may have to type "allow pasting" if prompted, then paste the snippet again
Execute the code (hit enter)
The URLs will appear in the Developer Tools Console Window
Code Snippet:
Array.from(document.querySelector("#history-app").shadowRoot.querySelector("#history").shadowRoot.querySelectorAll("history-item")).map(_ => _.shadowRoot.querySelector('.website-link')).forEach(a => console.log(a.href))
I know this is super basic for the average reader here, but in case it can help somebody!
Tested on: Version 125.0.6422.142 (Official Build) (arm64) on macOS