Sorry for the long title, but I got a serious problem that I couldnt fix even after hours of search and recovery through recovery software. At this point I dont even know if its even possible to recover the lost data.
A relative of mine had given me a half full (250gb of 500gb) old MacBook Pro HDD from 2011, and I formatted it to NTFS and installed windows on it. Overall, I only used about 15gb of the harddrive, an have only started windows once or twice on that machine, so I dont think the harddrive has be overwritten much. Now I would like to recover the stuff I had prior to the Windows installation, but no disk recovery software could find any data, only some windows files. (I tried EraseUS, R-Studio and recoverit)
My only question now is: is it even possible to get back my data and if yes, what is there to do?
Im Thankful for any advice!