I am using a remote machine where all users share the same user name 'root'. When I use the 'top' command to check what users are running what processes, programs, it shows that all are running under the user 'root'. I don't know which one is my process.

Is there a way to check a process by the running program, instead of users? For example, if I start my 'test.py' through the 'root' user, how can I check whether 'test.py' is still running after a while?

I am on Ubuntu system.

  • any particular OS?
    – Moab
    Feb 26, 2020 at 16:34
  • I am on Linux, ubutnu.
    – ling
    Feb 26, 2020 at 16:40

2 Answers 2


Assuming that you are the only one that is running the test.py you could do a ps -ef |grep test.py

another way could be executing ps -auxf


If you're on Windows, Process Explorer can identify the application that a process is running under.



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